Global Read Aloud

We are part of the Global Read Aloud 2017. Children all over the world are reading books by Mem Fox. We are enjoying her stories and are having wonderful conversations. Through some of her books we are being introduced to the many different animals in Australia. We will be Skyping with a mystery class on Thursday.





Click on the book to get to our padlet.


We are Authors

We had a publishing party today. The grade 2 classes shared with pride their hard work. After a unit on Fairy Tales, the children wrote their own stories. They had a choice with their final copy to hand write it, type and read it on Book Creator or orally tell their story on Puppet Shadow. The authors worked diligently and I was pleased with their stories!








Marc Brown Books Visit 2A

We are reading stories by Marc Brown. The children are making connections and writing literature responses. You will soon have a sleepover with the class Arthur doll. The children will write about their sleepover with Arthur. Please be sure to email me a picture of your child with the doll.

Click on the book cover to get to our class padlet.



We have been reading books in class about the importance and the pleasures of reading. The children are seeing that reading is everywhere. Please click on the image to get to our class padlet about reading.

